Chef web app developer training - Part 1 steps (draft)

The purpose of this series of tutorials is to take web app developers through the basic knowledge necessary to create and maintain the cookbooks used to deploy web applications.

Here I am using the stack CentOS, Oracle java and tomcat7, but they are generally applicable to the other app stacks.

This part of the tutorial is based off the Chef Workstation Setup getting started article. I'm skipping the Vagrant and VirtualBox installation part until later.

Install Git Bash and Git

Download and install Git bash from

Install Ruby & Chef



 Download and run the Windows Chef Installer, accepting the default options.


Run the omni installer script from opscode:
$ curl -L | sudo bash

Add the embedded ruby and chef to the $PATH
$ echo 'export PATH="/opt/chef/embedded/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile


Run the omni installer script from opscode:
$ curl -L | sudo bash

Add the embedded ruby and chef to the $PATH
$ echo 'export PATH="/opt/chef/embedded/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

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